Friday, May 12, 2023

May 5, 2023 - Another Slot Canyon Hike

Today, we had a private tour with just the two of us. Jim took us to the Bighorn Slot Canyon. It’s an about 6.1 miles hike. To get to the Bighorn Slot Canyon, we had to hike over multiple spots of the Harris Wash. He checked and found the best spots for us to cross each time. On the way, we saw lots of wonderful rock formations and boulders. There were many Kodak moments.

Then we got to Bighorn Slot Canyon. There are two sides of the fork for different sceneries. He took us to both of them. It was just amazing. This canyon was not as narrow as yesterday’s Secret Slot Canyon, but it was equally beautiful and exciting.  

On our way back, Jim gave us a bonus by taking a detour to show us an arch nearby the town in Grand Staircase-Escalante Monument. This wonderful single arch is in the middle of a boulder. 
It was another exciting day visiting slot canyons. After we got to the hotel, our iPhone told us that we walked 9.1 miles today. No wonder we both felt tired!  However, we knew that it was totally worthwhile to see such wonderful nature scenery.

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