Friday, May 12, 2023

April 30, 2023 - Tour Lower and Upper Antelope Canyons

There were a lot of online discussions regarding the preference of Lower or Upper Antelope Canyon.  Since we found a tour company, Dineh Tours, which offers a tour for both canyons, we decided to take it, so we didn’t miss anything.  They picked us up at the hotel around 9AM and drove us to Lower Antelope Canyon first. On the way, the guide provided more info regarding the area nearby Page, the Antelope Canyon, and the impact of Covid to their business, etc.  It was very informative.  The guide also helped us to set up our smart phones for taking photos inside the canyon. Then he ushered us to the Navajo guide for the tour.  

For Lower Antelope tour, there is a 45 minutes time slot for each group.  So our guide did her best to show us and lead us through the canyon.  She pointed out interesting spots for photos.  Everyone was amazed with the wonderful rock formations and we all took a lot of photos.

Later, the Dineh Tours guide took us to a restaurant for snacks and lunch.  Since it was too early for lunch, we only had snacks and water. Then, we moved forward to the Upper Antelope Canyon.  It is required to take their four-wheel drive car for a 15 minute ride to the trailhead of the Upper Antelope Canyon. The ride was very bumpy and dusty.  The Navajo guide did a demonstration on how a sand stone canyon was formed using sand and a bottle of water.  It was very educational to see this demonstration. Then, he led us through the canyon.  From time to time, he stopped to point out interesting spots for viewing and taking pictures.  He also was very helpful of taking photos for us.  

Since we were there around noon, we were very lucky to see the famous light beams.  It is more visible by the light reflecting onto sand. The guide periodically used his shovel to scoop sand up to make the light beam more visible.  It made the area very dusty, however, we did not care and just enjoyed this wonderful phenomenon.  
Then, we had to climb a small sand dune and a long stair walkway to get back to the trailhead.  The experience of viewing these magical rock formations and wonderful nature phenomenons were memorable.

Since the tour was hot and dusty, we had to go back to our hotel to take a shower before we ventured out again to visit the famous Horseshoe Bend.  It was a 10 minute drive from our hotel, so it was easy for us.  After we got there, we had to hike on another flat trail to the spot. It was a truly amazing experience of seeing this famous attraction.  We took many photos using iPhone's Pano feature.
Then, we drove to Wahweap Overlook viewpoint to enjoy the grant view of the Lake Powell.  
We decided to have another early dinner at State 48 Tavern and Taproom. After dinner, we drove by the Glen Canyon Dem Overlook and hiked on this short (940 ft) trail.  It has a very interesting stairway.  
At the end of the trail, we found a nice spot to view the Glen Canyon Dam and the sunset.  It was a very relaxing and enjoyable hike.

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